There are 11 public libraries in Okayama City including the Okayama Prefectural LibraryOpen in a new window and 10 Okayama City Libraries. These libraries keep all kinds of books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs etc.
In FY2021, the Okayama Prefectural Library had 706,013 visitors and 1,102,003 individual books checked out [Note 1], ranking first in Japan for two consecutive years. The Okayama Prefectural Library has been marking the first for years in Japanese Prefectural Libraries. [Note 2]
Note 1: From the annual report of the Okayama Prefectural Library, 2021.Open in a new window
<Okayama Prefectural Library>
The number of books checked out from Okayama City Library in FY2021 (including books checked out from Okayama City Community Centres and Welfare Centres) is 3,205,447. [Note 3]
Note 3: From the overview of the Okayama City Library in 2022.
<Okayama City Central Library>
<Okayama City Saiwaicho Library>