


Guide to Promoting ESD in Local Communities



Starting from Okayama! Guide to Promoting ESD in Local Communities

Based on the initiatives of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005?2014), Okayama City announced the promotion of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) through the collaboration of schools, community learning centres, and local residents as the‘ Okayama Model of ESD’ at the UNESCO World Conference on ESD (2014). ESD activities based on this model are still underway.

In order to make use of the‘ Okayama Model of ESD’ for ESD activities in other regions, guidelines for evaluating the activities based on precedent cases are required. With reference to these evaluation guidelines, ESD activities can be envisioned, implemented, evaluated, and reviewed, with the aim of deepening and expanding the scope of ESD activities.This guide offers evaluation guidelines for ESD activities developed based on the above-mentioned intentions. We hope that this guide will be useful in evaluating and improving existing ESD activities and setting goals for future ESD activities.

The purpose of the ‘Okayama Model of ESD’ is the ‘dissemination and development of ESD in local communities’. To this end, it is recommended to evaluate the three‘ orientations’ (Direction of will and awareness of ESD activities) of‘ Future’,‘ Purpose’, and‘ Collaboration’ in ESD activities. There are‘ evaluation criteria’ and‘ evaluation sub-criteria’ in each orientation. The evaluation sub-criteria include several specific evaluation items.

The detailed evaluation guidelines for both school and social education can be downloaded from here:



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電話: 086-803-1351 ファクス: 086-803-1777
