Former site of a school for the blind and speech-impaired
맹아 학교 터
In this area,there used to be a facility serving as a trailblazer for the education for disabled children in Okayama Prefecture.
In November 1908,the facility was opened as a private school named the Okayama Educational Association's School for the Blind and Speech-Impaired.It was located on the premises of Okayama Educational Hall in Ichibancho.In April 1910,the school was renamed Okayama School for the Blind and Speech-Impaired.In April 1927,the ownership of this private school was transferred to Okayama Prefecture and the school was renamed Okayama Prefectural School for the Blind and Speech-Impaired.In May of the same year,the school was relocated to Kitagata.In 1948,when it became mandatory to provide education for blind and speech-impaired children,the school was divided into Okayama School for the Blind and Okayama School for the Speech-Impaired,and both of them were located in Nishifurumatsu.
Afterwards,Okayama School for the Blind and Okayama School for the Speech-Impaired were relocated to their respective current positions in 1952 and in 1972,respectively.Since then,they have been continuing to play significant roles as institutions specializing in education for the blind and speech-impaired in Okayama Prefecture to this day.
오카야마에서 장애아 교육의 선구가 된 시설입니다.
1908년 11월 이치반초의 오카야마현 교육회관 안에 사립 오카야마현 교육회 부속 맹아원으로 개교했습니다. 그 후 1910년 4월에는 사림 오카야마 맹아학교로 1927년 4월에는 현 운영으로 이관함으로써 오카야마현 맹아학교로 명칭을 개칭하면서 같은 해 5월에는 기타가타 쪽으로 이전했습니다. 1948년에는 맹학교,농학교 교육이 의무화되면서 니시후루마쓰 지역에서 오카야마 맹학교와 오카야마 농학교로 분리되었습니다.
그 후 오카야마 맹학교는 1952년에,오카야마 농학교는 1972년에 현재 소재지로 이전하여 이후 지금까지 오카야마현의 맹농교육의 전문기관으로서 계속해 큰 역할을 맡고 있습니다.
所在地: 〒700-8544 岡山市北区大供一丁目1番1号 [所在地の地図]
電話: 086-803-1042 ファクス: 086-803-1846