Schools in Okayama City are making efforts to enhance children's reading activities by setting time for reading books in the morning. This is called "Morning reading" which is a school-wide reading program implemented at each school. The purpose of this program is to help children develop a lifelong reading habit by choosing books they want to read on their own.
Reading is considered extremely important in nurturing the ability to think, to feel, and to express themselves, as well as nurturing rich sensitivity and cultivating values. These abilities are the foundation of living.
The goal of this program is not to increase the number of reading books but to motivate children to take the initiative in their reading activities by providing them with more opportunities to encounter books. These experiences are important to them and they move their hearts to leading them to engage in a variety of creative activities.
Schools prepare an environment that can support children's reading activities in cooperation with various people in communities. Civic organisations have long been involved in voluntary activities to connect children and books in the community. They are engaged in reading books to children during the time before school starts utilizing school broadcasting facilities. The organisation received an award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in FY2022 as a PTA (Parents and Teachers Association) activity with excellent results.